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Honoring Our Donors

The Oncology Nursing Foundation would like to thank our individual, corporate, foundation, ONS chapter, and organizational donors for generously supporting our mission of improving cancer care.

Donor Circle

Each year, we recognize the Oncology Nursing Foundation Donor Circle, a committed group of individual donors who help to support oncology nursing by making an annual gift(s) totaling $100 or more to the Foundation.

2023 Donor Circle 2022 Donor Circle 2021 Donor Circle 2020 Donor Circle 2019 Donor Circle 2018 Donor Circle

Annual Reivew

The Oncology Nursing Foundation Annual Review celebrates the previous year’s accomplishments, donors, supporters, and volunteers for the Oncology Nursing Foundation.

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Donor Perspective

The Oncology Nursing Foundation relies on individual, corporate, foundation, ONS chapter, and organizational donors to advance the mission of improving cancer care. 

"The Oncology Nursing Foundation is a charity I support financially because, quite simply, I believe wholeheartedly in its mission statement to improve cancer care and the lives of those with cancer. More importantly, I believe that the Foundation effectively carries out this mission through the various programs it funds. As an oncology nurse, I have a vested interest in helping my peers continue to improve and develop both professionally and academically."


— M. Curtis Arnold RN, BA, OCN®

Loretta Williams PhD, APRN

"I believe in the value of oncology nursing. I have been a caregiver for three family members with cancer and an oncology nurse for more than 30 years. Oncology nurses play a unique role in helping patients with cancer to manage and live with their disease and treatment. Through my support of the Oncology Nursing Foundation, I can thank oncology nurses for all of the wonderful things they do every day, and through the work of these nurses, improve care for patients with cancer.  What a great return on my investment!"


— Lori Williams PhD, APRN, AOCN®, OCN®

"I have been an oncology nurse for more than 30 years; Twenty-five years ago I was the fortunate recipient of an Oncology Nursing Foundation Master’s Scholarship. That scholarship enabled me to complete my degree in two years with minimal debt. For that, I am and will be forever grateful. I promised myself that I would someday give back to the Foundation. For many years, I volunteered for several national committees, and today I continue to review awards and scholarship applications. In the last few years, I have been able to financially contribute to the Foundation. It gives me great pleasure to give back to an organization that has given me so much both professionally and personally."


— Sue Jamar RN, MSN, OCN®